ROI Reporting

Validate how your engagement data drives dollars.

Knowledge isn't just power, it's performance. Get website engagement metrics, insights, and analytics to continually optimize processes.

drift reporting hero

Capture the essence of every conversation

Know which conversations, on which pages, are best converting into quality leads - then attribute their success to pipeline and revenue.

drift reporting stats

Speak directly to your buyer's needs

Drift Analytics and Insights surfaces relevant messages, topics, and questions to address in your web conversations and across every single marketing asset to keep dialogue relevant.

drift contact reporting

Set strategic benchmarks

Set your qualification and engagement strategy at different levels for different types of customers. For example, set a different benchmark for larger enterprise customers on your pricing page versus small business customers reading through your content.

drift reporting analytics
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We're constantly using Drift Reporting to understand what topics are brought up frequently, what topics are brand new that we need to account for, and then what questions we should plan ahead for.

Katelyn Price headshot
Katelyn Price
Manager, Lifecycle and Customer Marketing